By: Candace Bazile | Volatia - As a Language Services Provider (LSP) you're always concerned about growing your clientele. You see where you can grow in every area of the language industry. But how do you tether your strategic vision to the right interpreter platform, tools, resources, and opportunities that will magnify the power of your brand and monetize every effort you make to bridge language and cultural barriers?
Volatia Language Network, Inc. has walked a mile in your shoes. We thrive because we’ve never discarded the experience of scaling our business as a small upstart and we’ve expanded our purpose around it.
If you’re ready to go beyond selecting interpretation software to executing your strategy to grow your language business, Volatia’s Affiliate Toolkit is precision-designed to promote your brand and give you the mix of tools, resources, and opportunities you need. These elements are customized to match your operations model, meet your business objectives, and enhance your ROI.
On your own, you’ll spend months, even years, implementing the right technology and establishing the relationships and the talent pool needed to take on larger language access contracts.
Don’t go it alone. The Volatia Affiliate Toolkit was born out of our emerging strategy to build strength in numbers using a small business ecosystem principle. As a small business, we discovered early-on how this industry functions organically because of the decentralized nature of onsite, OPI and VRI service delivery models.
As we’re sure you’re familiar with, LSPs typically start out selling their own services but quickly add reselling the OPI and VRI services of larger, more established LSPs. The larger LSPs set the buy rates regardless of your billing rates. After we pioneered a host of cost saving features and tools that helped us compete with more success, we realized that cost savings are only one part of the expansion puzzle.
To uphold our vision of a world with no language barriers, a world with cultural harmony, we improved on-demand, interpreter recruiting, vetting, and training outcomes by offering commissions to LSPs that perform recruitment-only services, and implementing superior scheduling automation, accounting, auditing, and information privacy practices. We pivoted to introduce a cost sharing model that makes improved tools, resources, and opportunities available to an entire ecosystem of smaller affiliate LSPs.
Volatia affiliates benefit from these cost savings, improved quality measures, and increased profit margins without sabotaging or sacrificing any aspect of their brand.
As our global network of linguists grew to over 18,000, we enlarged our understanding of what it takes to scale business and be intuitively successful. Today, we understand success to encompass generating savings through cost sharing across a healthy competitive landscape, to avoid being marginalized by the top four global language giants who have the resources to take more losses as they expand into new industries.
Volatia offers LSPs an affiliate partnership that comes with 13 fully customizable tools that are attached to on-demand human resources and opportunities to go after larger contracts that require a global interpreter platform. It’s a treasure chest that we call the Volatia Affiliate Toolkit.
Affiliates can access as much or as little of any tool in the toolkit, in direct proportion to the size and type of language services contracts they plan to pursue. The added interpreter pool, plus our host of tools, gives affiliates a leg up competitively and an established industry presence.
So, What’s in the Toolkit?
As a Volatia affiliate, you will enjoy the following tools and services, billed on an hourly rate basis:
Custom Mobile Application, white labeled, featuring your logo, to deliver on your brand values.
On-demand Interpreters for Phone Interpretation (OPI) at competitive industry buy rates.
On-demand Interpreters for Video Interpretation (VRI) at competitive industry buy rates.
LEP Call-In Lines (Bidirectional Language Access) for your LEP end users.
Subscription-based access to terpX™ Volatia’s leading edge Interpreter and Workflow Management System.
Marketing Support, from logo/tagline revision to digital marketing strategy.
Proposal Support, the ABCs of crafting competitive, compliant proposals that win bids.
Sales Presentation Support, persuasive public speaking, and PowerPoint presentation decks.
Client Implementation Support, everything needed to get you up-to-speed managing clients and interpreters using terpX.
Customer Service Support at the Volatia Contact Center 24/7/365.
Compliance Support, Insurance, Accounting, Billing, Auditing, and Information Privacy.
Quality Assurance Support, Volatia empowers affiliates to opt-in to our System and Service Quality Guarantee, symbolized by our corporate Quality Seal placed strategically on the Quality Assurance page of your website.
Quarterly distribution of Volatia’s LSP e-newsletter, chocked full of management, operations, and marketing tips that will steer your language business to cost savings as high as 50%.
If you provide translation, interpretation, localization, language, and social coaching solutions, you’re constantly exploring ways to decrease the time-consuming nature of interpreter management. If you’re attempting to scale business, you need to compare the best interpreter management systems on the market to understand what you’re getting and to better define what you need.
An apples-to-apples comparison of platform features demonstrates the industry competitiveness of terpX.

Why We’re Different
To say that terpX offers more features than most in the industry does not explain why the Volatia Network and the Affiliate Toolkit wield the leverage you need to catapult your operations to the next level. Cost savings combined with the most advanced scheduling automation are precursors to the “power of singularity” that punctuates our model. Volatia renders frontend and backend support to its affiliates because when they win, we win. We win in terms of embracing strategic fluidity, broader network scope, increased use of on-demand interpreters, agile scalability, and good will toward our affiliates and their LEP end users. These highlights tell the larger story about Volatia Network benefits that are realized through the Affiliate Toolkit.
· Expanded Training and Implementation: Volatia performs real-time training, scheduled on-site training, and training videos.
· Custom Configuration at No Additional Cost: Volatia custom configures every aspect of the terpX™ platform at no additional cost to you.
· Tiered Workflow Automation: Assignments are automatically delivered to your active interpreters based on our system-automated filters first, without the need of a scheduler, and then assignments are rolled over to active, on-demand interpreters in the network if no one on your team answers. You won’t miss a call, and you pay the network buy rates. Likewise, when your internal employees assist other network affiliates as a second line of defense, you are paid the network buy rate for the language requested.
· On-demand Interpreters: terpX comes with unlimited access to our Interpreter Network. You won’t find this with a software-only solution.
· Complex Workflow Scalability: terpX allows Volatia affiliates to add detailed order specificity to scheduling a work assignment. Appointments can be scheduled by worksite facility, cost center, department, suite #, floor, or room #.
· Tiered Billing: Volatia affiliates can customize billing, invoicing specific rates to their clients based on the language requested, and run customized reports based on the amount of spend by language, location, region and date.
The infographic below illustrates how Volatia manages workflow complexity with our small business ecosystem principle in mind.

The great news about the language industry is that other companies, such as Atrium, Boostlingo, Fluency, and ScheduleInterpreter®, also develop software that can automate your daily workflows. They consistently add problem solving features to their platforms that are the right fit for some LSPs.
terpX leads the way in applying industry best practices to user-friendly features for LSPs and their clients, and we're looking for partners who want to make an impact, both in the industry and the communities they serve.
Becoming an affiliate of Volatia opens a door to possibilities that extend beyond software features. Volatia's Affiliate Toolkit is a highly customizable weapon in the war against slow-motion movement and information siloes. If growing your business is slow or painful, join the Volatia Network to access the relationships, resources, and tools you need to unleash your company’s potential.