Learn More About Healthcare Translation & Interpretation Services

Medical Interpreters & Translators
Whether the incident starts with a 911 call for paramedics or a routine check up at the doctor’s office, healthcare providers are obliged to create systems and a culture that ensure quality care for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) and those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Providing healthcare services without the use of medical interpreters and professionally translated vital documents pose a significant threat to the safety and health of patients who present with language barriers and infringes upon their right to appropriate language services; thus rendering your services as unethical care.

Language Access Compliance In Healthcare
By offering professional language interpretation and translations services to your LEP patients and caretakers, you ensure regulatory compliance, maximize reimbursements, and support equitable healthcare outcomes.
Volatia's language solutions will help your organization to meet compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of national origin, Executive Order 13166, which affirms Title VI’s language access requirement, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); as well as regulations put forward by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Fraud Waste and Abuse (FWA), and the Joint Commission.
Reduce Errors
Medical errors increase tremendously when providers attempt to treat a patient without a professional medical interpreter or when vital documents are provided in a language the patient does not understand. These errors can result in patient injury, death, extended hospitals stays, or readmissions.
Increase efficiency
Your team can move mountains! They simply need the tools and resources to shine. With Volatia on their side, your staff will no longer need to use google translate, the patient’s family or friends, or result to speaking louder in hopes of bridging a language gap. Rather, your team will improve productivity, reduce wait times, and maybe even eliminate the unnecessary tests that might otherwise be performed.
Improve patient satisfaction
Without professional medical interpreters, patients who are LEP, deaf, or hard of hearing are often forced to wait longer for treatment or care that their English counter-parts easily access. This leads reduces patient satisfaction and often results in poor patient outcomes. On the other hand, healthcare systems that provide medical interpretation and translation services gain a great measure of patient loyalty, patient satisfaction, and improve patient outcomes.
Ensure Compliance
Failure to provide professional medical interpreters and translation of vital documents can lead to lawsuits, penalties, loss of funding, and lower ratings for your healthcare system. This is because every healthcare system that receives federal funding directly or indirectly is required to comply with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Regulations put forth by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Fraud Waste and Abuse (FWA), and Joint Commission may also apply in patient care that involves language barriers.
Language Access In Healthcare
Simplified Procurement
24 / 7 / 365
Why Choose VOLATIA
Our Service Plans
Customize and manage the cost of your language access program
Ondemand access to professional interpreter services is a foundational component of care for patients with limited English proficiency. Simply download our app or call our our language line to access medical interpreters in more than 280 languages, including American Sign Language, 24/7/365.
You can also schedule an interpreter for an in-person patient visit or procedure through terpX, by calling, or emailing customerservice@volatia.com.
To ensure equitable healthcare outcomes, your organization's vital documents, website, and any patient facing applications should be translated into the languages spoken in your community. As a best practices, most reputable healthcare organizations translate consent and assent forms, discharge instructions, history questionnaires, missed appointment policies, patient financial responsibilities, patient information forms, and all documents that communicate patient rights and responsibilities.
Does your healthcare system have or want to create your own team of interpreters? If so, use terpX to seamlessly dispatch your own in-house interpreters first before activating Volatia's network or other contracted interpreters. The routed work orders can be for in-person appointments or video and phone interpreter requests that originiate from your organization.
terpX also makes it possible to create a bi-drectionaly langauge access program that will anable your organization to receive calls from LEP patients and caretakers in any language.
DEI Consulting
To ensure culturally and linguistically appropriate healthcare solutions, Volatia's language access programs come with a DEI dimension that is designed to improve the knowledge and skills of all providers engaging in cross-cultural clinical encounters. To start, Volatia recommends a training program that focus on the cultures that represent the languages spoken in your community.
Clinicians who who actively engage in these sessions gain a depper understanding of the experiences of patients with diverse backgrounds and improve their skills to effectively work in cross-cultural situations.